The ImPRESS (Immersive Production of Representations Exploring Science Sketching) project aims to combine the learning benefits of drawing representations of science knowledge with the spatial affordances of an immersive VR environment. In ImPRESS, users are able to draw, manipulate and resize elements, and move themselves within their drawings via quick button and controller motion actions and no UI interaction. This allows the user to quickly construct and begin to modify and manipulate a drawn explanation. When the UI must be accessed, it is presented as-needed via a button press to allow a drawer to change line color and thickness, erase, undo, group, and place 3D primitive shapes. ImPRESS has also been designed to leverage WebXR standards to deliver the VR experience. This means that multiple users can simultaneously engage with the construction of a VR knowledge representation, as well as for non VR users to observe and navigate the drawing space.
James Planey
ImPRESS Co-Investigator
Graduate Researcher
Mike Tissenbaum
ImPRESS Co-Investigator
Assistant Professor, Curriculum & Instruction
Robb Lindgren
ImPRESS Project Advisor
Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction
Dennis Migut
Urbana High School
Naomi Meng
Urbana High School
Laura Koritz
Urbana High School
David Tamayo
Software Development, DELTA Program Graduate
Brandon Dang
Software Development, Komodo Project Coordinator
Grainger IDEA Lab
Jonathan Lin
Software Development, Komodo Project Team
Grainger IDEA Lab