The ELASTIC3S Project (Embodied Learning Augmented through Simulation Theaters for Interacting with Cross-Cutting Concepts in Science) strives to create a new genre of technology-enhanced interactions for education with the development of "simulation theaters for embodied learning" that target crosscutting themes in STEM such as scale, patterns, and rates of change. This NSF-funded project seeks to understand how high school students’ can use full body movement to interact with simulations of scientific phenomena such as earthquakes, acidity/basicity, and climate change. Using advanced gesture recognition techniques and video-game-like simulations we are creating engaging learning environments where students can explore the connections between different science topics.
Robb Lindgren
ELASTIC3S Co-Investigator
Jina Kang
ELASTIC3S Investigator; Learning Analytics
James Planey
ELASTIC3S Graduate Researcher
Jose Mestre
ELASTIC3S Co-Investigator and Physics Education Researcher
Guy Garnett
ELASTIC3S Co-Investigator, Composer, and HCI Researcher
Jason Morphew
Assistant Professor at Purdue University
Mike Junokas
Manager, Computational Science, Ag Systems
Nitasha Mathayas
Postdoctoral Researcher at Indiana University
Greg Kohlburn
Advanced Software Engineer, Relativity
Nicholas Linares
Game Designer at Dimensional Ink; Adjunct Faculty at USC
Sahil Kumar
Senior Data Science Engineer at Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Ben Lane
Software and Game Developer
Lindgren, R., Morphew, J. W., Kang, J., Planey, J., & Mestre, J. P. (2022). Learning and transfer effects of embodied simulations targeting crosscutting concepts in science. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(3), 462–481.
Kang, J., Diederich, M., Lindgren, R., & Junokas, M. J. (2021). Gesture patterns and learning in an embodied XR science simulation [pdf]. Educational Technology & Society, 24(2), 77-92.
Lindgren, R., Morphew, J. W., Kang, J., & Junokas, M. J. (2019). An embodied cyberlearning platform for gestural interaction with cross-cutting science concepts [pdf]. Mind, Brain, & Education, 13(1), 53-61.
Junokas, M. J., Lindgren, R., Kang, J., & Morphew, J. W. (2018). Enhancing multimodal learning through personalized gesture recognition [pdf]. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(4), 350-357.
Kang, J., Lindgren, R., & Planey, J. (2018). Exploring emergent features of student interaction within an embodied science learning simulation [pdf]. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(3), 39-58.